
Senior Picture

Well, I bought my first piece of equipment for a make cheap studio. It is one of those clap on lights. Son needed a senior piture for the yearbook. Well, once i got what I thought we needed. Clamp lighting and blue material, we were ready to set it up. I took about 10 headshots and the only thing that went wrong after developing them was the coloring. My son came out with an orange tint. Husband had to fix the coloring on the computer where turned out pretty good but as you can see it was interest....

After I read, I found out that halogen lights give off a yellow lighting and if you put a blue gel film in front of the light if should even this problem out. Still need to experiment with that once I buy the film. Once I get it I will post my results.

Til next time.
Keep Smiling!! You don't know who is photographing you....

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I did some senior shots for my little cousin, which was my first attempt. I found a site suggesting using a posterboard for the background. It worked beautifully. Other than that I did outside. And totally cheap!! :) Great for just learning. I don't know how to add them here or I would send you a few to look at. I'll see what I can figure out. :)