
June Events

WOW this is has been a very busy month for me. I have had 2 birthays, 2 high school graduations, a trip to Allentown, Penn to see 100 Monkeys in concert, 3 father's day, and my son's wedding. Now I only took pictures for graduations, concert, and wedding. I have about 20-25 rolls of film to develop. I have been working late at work so it is slowing me down to get them developed. As soon as I do, I really do want to post them and see what you all think. I hope to have some time soon to do at least a little at a time. I don't want to overload you all. Soon, I promise.


Allentown, Pennsylvania June 14th

I know it has been a very long time since my last entry. I am actually taking some time for my and my photography. I am traveling to Allentown, Pennsylvania to see a band called 100 Monkeys, lead is an actor from "Twilight". I so excited to go because this is a first time trip without the family, just me and a friend. I will be posting some pics when I return. Until the than, keep smiling!!!